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Shalom friends. First of all, I want to thank you for your prayers and financial support. Shavei Zion serves before the Lord God, and you are an integral part of this service.


Let me share some personal news.

First I want to thank you for your prayers for my daughter Shirley's fiancé, Elijah. He is the son of a messianic pastor from Minsk, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not allow him to enter Israel for ten months. Many of you know of these nuances in the life of Messianic believers in Israel. Faith has a price, and sometimes patience is an important part of our walk with the Lord. Thank God it's all over. On May 27, Eitan Shishkoff held Chuppah for Shirley and Elijah, and we all saw the wonderful hand of the Lord in all this. It was a wonderful event, and I can only share a few photos. Of course, it is difficult to describe my satisfaction with Nina and gratitude to the Lord!


After a long lull, together with my assistant Evgeny, we made a fairly productive trip to Norway. We met with friends and partners in serving young people (from the Israeli Defense Force) and in a new format (pre-military attendees). After the pandemic, we updated our contacts and, with God's help, we will see new horizons in working with youth. The Eagle project was extremely active before Covid and revived the faith of many young people. Of the 60 people who went through the program, 6 to 8 became youth leaders in their communities, and there were 5 new couples (Thank God for new families!). The faith of many of the young people was renewed . This is only from the Israeli side. Young people from Norway, Taiwan, Japan and Korea have entered the ministry and we look forward to continuing this program!


Working with New Immigrants/Refugees. Some statistics. April, May and June break records. Lots of Olim. But 60% is Olim from Russia and Belarus. Approximately 35% is Aliya from Ukraine. We, thanks to you, help them massively with products and necessary bedding and kitchen utensils. But!!! Aliya from Ukraine?! Where's she? Unfortunately, those who are eligible for Aliyah to Israel still prefer the Diaspora of Europe. Scripture says, “Return to your land”! Let my letter serve you, people of faith who know the Trumpet Voice of God to raise a prayer for Aliyah. In Ukraine, there are up to 400 thousand people with the right to Aliyah. And these people are a potential new strength for Israel and for the Lord!


I wish you peace and blessings from the Lord God and His Son Yeshua the Messiah


Blessings, Leon Mazin


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