Let your Light Shine!


Habit. Sometimes, you get used to an environment full of blessings and kindness, you quickly forget the "dirt" from which you came out, and the light of God becomes something ordinary for you. And just then, a temptation enters the heart, the same, old, and very dangerous in the style: "eat from this fruit and you will be stronger." This is the ancient way in which the "evil inclination" (Satan/"old serpent") tempts us. And it's important to be alert.

“Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speaking’s, As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” 1 Peter 2:1-3

Peter writes his letter to already believing people and once again raises the same old problem that strikes us now when we GET USED. And we stop moving forward. He says that malice, deceit/gossip, envy, and slander can destroy the Divine life in us if we cannot "become like a newborn baby".

I have a grandson. He's a little over a year old. Every time I see him, I am simply amazed at how dynamically small children develop in comparison with an adult. Yesterday he was only crawling, today he can, without stopping continuously run around the room, launch a mobile application, and do all sorts of complicated things.

Don't get lazy! We have an obligation to continue to evolve in our lives as Spiritual Creatures and children of God. This is what Peter calls us to, who wants the same things for his flock 2000 years ago and for us, today's generation of believers. Progress and spiritual ascent to the Mountain of the Lord.

We are rapidly approaching the holidays described in Leviticus 23, but even reading this article after the Feast of Trumpets, the relevance of the commandment does not fade - "be sober and not sleep", remember the example of wise and stupid virgins / brides! Ask yourself, "What is my condition today?"

Envy or grumbling, and maybe even the gossip of "Lashen HaRa (bad-mouthing)" lead to a sad result - spiritual leprosy. Now is the time to reflect and rebuild. This topic is relevant for everyone who ASCENDS to spiritual ZION to stand in the Light of the Lord and continue to be a guide to Grace in Yeshua the Messiah for every person.


Leon Mazin

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