Jethro visits Moses
So Moses went out to meet his father-in-law and bowed down and
kissed him. They greeted each other and then went into the tent. Moses told his
father-in-law about everything the Lord had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians
for Israel’s sake and about all the hardships they had met along the way and
how the Lord had saved them. Jethro was delighted to hear about all the good
things the Lord had done for Israel in rescuing them from the hand of the
Egyptians. Exodus 18:7-9 NIV
Whatever one may say, Jethro was a pagan. Perhaps he had exploits
towards the truth, but as he was the “Priest of Midian” he remained so.
Undoubtedly, as the Jewish tradition says, “nitsei ohr – sparks of LIGHT” were
distributed to different people, while Israel retained the main source. If we
were to speak today's economic language, then in the Shares of the
"Corporation of Truth" Israel owned a "controlling stake."
But there was no reason not to listen to those other "owners of the
Truth." And as the tradition says, this was precisely what Israel's
periodic expulsions from the promised land to distant places consisted of, to
learn from the nations and teach the nations. Connect knowledge.
In a sense, after the “experience of Egypt”, the situation with Jethro,
Moshe's father-in-law and, at the same time, the priest of Midian, was a
similar experience.
A little personal...
Recently, having congratulated people here and there on Christmas,
from some I received extremely condemning attacks related to the “return to
paganism”. But God sees, on the one hand, I do not believe that the Birth of
Yeshua, the Son of God, was December 25, but, on the other hand, I see that
this pagan date was rededicated to the Holy One, blessed be His Name! And
although this is not the Jewish way, those who have considered doing it this
way, and sincerely on this day come in the worship of the Creator and His Son,
are doing good. Why not congratulate them?!
Learning from Moses.
By the time of this meeting with Jethro, he already knew the
truth, and learned a lot. Instead of “condemnation”, he stood up with the
elders and went out to greet the Priest of Midian. It was not ecumenism; it was
respect and a desire to learn and teach. I think you understand my point from Jethro's
chapter... It's important to respect others! It is important to leave childish
childishness - the habit of always swearing and arguing. The Apostle Paul
writes: “…do not argue…”, because they do not decide or prove anything. But the
Evidence of the Respect and power of God and the peace of God in us can work
wonders! Let's learn from Moshe!
Sincerely, Leon Mazin
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