The Return of Israel

Looking forward to the return of Israel! This is like a sign the Lord will show us Dear brothers and sisters in Yeshua, Blessings, and peace to you from our Heavenly Father. In prayer for you and your families! And with great gratitude that you are in partnership with Shavei Zion. We seek the will of the Father and try to move in it! In the period between Pesach and Shavuot, which is called Sefirat Omer (Counting of the Omer), there are usually no weddings or any organized fun. The reason has to do with the memory of the death of Rabbi Akiva, who is a very famous figure in Orthodox Judaism, but a problematic figure for Messianic believers. As some Messianic researchers say, it was Rabbi Akiva, who declared Bar Kochba the Messiah, who destroyed the unity in the country of Israel and provoked a confrontation in the camp of the Jewish army, which was half Messianic Jews. Given that these dates also usually fall on the Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the Day of Remembrance of th...